The wisdom panel 3.0 canine DNA test will reveal your dog’s genetic background back to the great-grandparent level, provide a predicted weight profile and test for the MDR1 genetic mutation. Wisdom panel 3.0 covers more than 250 breeds and varieties including almost all those recognized by the American kennel club (AKC) and can be run for mixed-breed, designer or purebred dogs. The procedure is the same for all three, but you decide at the time of activation how you would like to run it. For purebred and designer dogs, the test will provide a principle component analysis chart comparing your dog with others of that same breed(s) in our database and for purebred tests specifically, an additional homozygosity profile. The wisdom panel 3.0 canine DNA test kit includes: instructions, DNA cheek swabs – all for use on one dog, drying insert for swabs, pre-paid shipping label and box.
- With a simple cheek swab, you can uncover DNA-based insights that may help you understand your dog’s unique appearance, behaviors and wellness needs
- MDR1 testing; direct testing for the mutant MDR1 gene (multi drug sensitivity); results can assist
- Adult weight range prediction to help you make appropriate nutrition and diet choices
- Breed insights to help you provide a better training program, understand behavior, comes with free pet food lid cover
- You will be emailed an official ancestry report revealing your dog’s a genetic background